La historia del gatito Cupido

EUA. Oronoticias. Cupido fue el nombre que le dieron a un gato que se salvó de morir, luego de permanecer casi una semana con una flecha clavada en la cabeza, así lo informó Chelsea Jones, portavoz de la Asociación Animal Welfare League of Arlington.

De acuerdo con el portavoz, el animal fue encontrado el pasado 14 de febrero por una mujer, quien lo llevó a una clínica veterinaria para que lo atendieran, pero al notar que no podría pagar los gastos contactó a la asociación para que pudieran realizarle una operación para retirar la flecha.

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CUPID’S ORIGINAL STORY: WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES We know we've been asking for your help a lot recently, but today we urgently need your support for a young orange tabby with a horrific injury: DONATE AT THE LINK IN BIO! On Valentine's Day, we received a call from one of our rescue partners in West Virginia who had just taken in a cat who had been shot in the head with an arrow. They rushed him to the hospital, where he was given pain medication, and the veterinarian believed that the arrow had been there for at least a week. Unfortunately, the rescue was financially unable to have the surgery performed to remove the arrow, and called us for help. How could we say no? As soon as we saw his photos, we knew we had to step up and see if we could save his life. He was transported to AWLA yesterday, and then rushed over to an emergency vet for pain medication, x-rays, and overnight care. This morning, our vet team picked him up and prepped him for surgery right away. Despite the immense amount of discomfort and pain he must have been in, he started to purr every time someone talked to him, making biscuits and asking for chin scratches. It was then that we decided to name him Cupid. Amazingly, during the surgery they discovered that the arrow had not penetrated any major organs or arteries, despite passing through the right side of his head to his shoulder blade. He did however, have a very serious infection that had spread from the tip of the arrowhead to the underside of his left arm. Our vet team worked for two hours to remove the arrow (using bolt cutters to cut off the arrowhead) clean out the infection and insert drains, sew up his large wounds, and neuter him. Cupid just woke up from surgery about an hour ago and so far is doing well. But he still has a long road ahead. His infection was very severe, so we are treating him with two types of antibiotics. This was a very intense surgery for a young, underweight cat, so we will be monitoring him carefully. At this point we cannot 100% guarantee he will make it through this ordeal, but we are doing everything we can, and he’s a fighter. Please make a gift today at the LINK IN BIO!

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Después de dos horas, los médicos lograron retirar el objeto y comprobaron que el proyectil no lesionó ninguno de los órganos vitales del gato y lo nombraron Cupido.

La historia de Cupido se viralizó y pronto internautas reunieron los 6 mil dólares necesario para los gastos médicos y tratamiento del gato que debido a la infección que tenía aún se encuentra en la fundación y ahora tiene su propia cuenta de Instagram en donde comparten fotografías de su proceso de recuperación.

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